Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Owe you More Pics...

So here they are! I will start with the cuteness of my kitten:

Chia Milk...? When your dairy sprouts a kitteh, methinks it's past its prime.

Hammy makes his baby face...the cuter the face, the greater the crime...

Now here are some pics from my office holiday gala...

Nathalie and I at cocktail hour. Nom.

The hottest double-stuff Oreo ever...Johanna, me, David, and Nathalie. : )

And lastly, Fishmas!

More to come!


Anonymous said...

How does Hammy get in the fridge? I mean, does he like jump in there every time you open it. Cause that's a little weird :)


John said...

Oh yeah, the cat tries on a number of ocassions to hop in there and check out the food. Nothing too serious like trying to eat it. More curiosity about the cool box we open and close.