Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Showers

Happy April, Happy April Fool's Day, Happy Easter, and Happy National Poetry Month!

I'm glad to see March go because hopefully the coldest weather is behind us. John and I have plans to garden outside in the vacant beds where there are just a few bushes, and I wanna get a few container gardens going, too. Also, I want to open my windows and let nice warm breezes come in rather that brisk, chilly ones.

Easter is upon us, and Sunday we will travel, as always, to John's grandparents' to have a small holiday. I'm all about low-key family gatherings because they're much more conducive to catching up and talking. It'll also be fun because we just locked up our bridal party over the past week, and John's sister is VERY excited to be a junior bridesmaid. I'm just looking forward to a nice day with nice conversation and enjoying being happy and surrounded by family and not worrying too much about the harder things in life these days.

Today, however, kicks off National Poetry Month, and I have been encouraged to undertake the challenge of writing a poem a day. I am accepting this, with the stipulation of not beating myself up too much if I fall a bit behind. But I made a list of prompts in case I'm feeling less than inspired, and have already written an inspired poem today. I also carry a notebook and about 12 pens with me at all times as a general rule, so should inspiration strike at a less-than-opportune time, I'll be ready.

In other news, my house smells like a delicious mix (except for Honeydew) of candles. I had a PartyLite show recently with Tara, and the orders arrived yesterday. Everyone's stuff is packed and ready to be distributed. I've already got my pillar garden on the dining room table, and have Apricot Daisy votives in the living room and Tropical Waterfall in the bathroom. Mmm! I'm glad to finally not be burning my Christmas candles cuz that was all I had! I was quite over pine trees.

So with this, I leave you with wishes for a happy spring, a happy weekend, and a happy holiday!

Till next time!

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