Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A three-post evening! You, my readers, have hit the jackpot! haha

This one is compliments of Tara, as brought to her by Ashley.

Rule One: I have to grab one of the books closest to me, go to page 56, type the fifth line and the next two to five lines that follow.

Rule Two: I have to pick five people who love books and who could receive the Bookworm award with honor.

(Not that you can tell, but insert a time lapse here...I was grabbing the nearest book, and knocked over a plant. So I had chase Hamlet away from the new playground, the vacuum.)

I now commence the game...

"...had set down the palace
for this prince and this princess."

And that's all I can play cuz there are only six lines on page 56 of Ruth Stone's Ordinary Words.

: ) But I will share my favorite of her poems with you now, in its entirety:

from Ordinary Words

The moon rises as Shizu rises from her couch,
still in the shadow of her husband
who puts her to work early at his vegetable stand.
The mountains take the light.
Her calligraphy, the dark brush stroke
with which she frees herself,
lies in loose sheets on her drawing table.
The tide recedes, the tectonic plates
grind into the flesh of the peninsula.
She is one grain of sand
in the rippling ground swell;
a fan opening and closing.

That last line gets me every time.

So I will now tag:

Follow the rules above. If you don't have a blog, email me your page 56. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the last line of that one, too. Kind of reminds me of GT :)
